Sergey Gulev

Head of the Laboratory


Океанологические исследования
Д. А. Собаева, Ю. А. Зюляева, С. К. Гулев
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Отклик тропосферной динамики на экстремальные состояния стратосферного полярного вихря в различные фазы ЭНЮК в идеализированных модельных экспериментах
Известия РАН. Физика атмосферы и океана
Ю. А. Зюляева, Д. А. Собаева, С. К. Гулев
Machine Learning Models for Approximating Downward Short-Wave Radiation Flux over the Ocean from All-Sky Optical Imagery Based on DASIO Dataset
Remote Sensing (MDPI). 2023, 15(7), 1720
Mikhail Krinitskiy, Vasilisa Koshkina, Mikhail Borisov, Nikita Anikin, Sergey Gulev and Maria Artemeva
ENSO and PDO Effect on Stratospheric Dynamics in Isca Numerical Experiments
Atmosphere (MDPI)
Daria Sobaeva, Yulia Zyulyaeva and Sergey Gulev
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Data-Driven Short-Term Daily Operational Sea Ice Regional Forecasting
Remote Sensing (MDPI). 2022, 14(22), 5837
Timofey Grigoryev, Polina Verezemskaya, Mikhail Krinitskiy, Nikita Anikin, Alexander Gavrikov, Ilya Trofimov, Nikita Balabin, Aleksei Shpilman, Andrei Eremchenko, Sergey Gulev, Evgeny Burnaev and Vladimir Vanovskiy
Extreme Precipitation in June 2021 over the Black Sea in the Context of Long-Term Climate Change
Oceanology 62(3):303-309
A. V. Gavrikov, O. G. Zolina, O. A. Razorenova, M. P. Aleksandrova, S. K. Gulev, and G. L. Stenchikov
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Sea Breeze Geoengineering to Increase Rainfall over the Arabian Red Sea Coastal Plains
Journal of Hydrometeorology, 23, 3-24
Mostamandi, S., E. Predybaylo, E., S. Osipov, O. Zolina, S. Gulev, S. Parajuli, and G. Stenchikov
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Poleward expansion of tropical cyclone latitudes in warming climates
Nature Geoscience, 2021
Studholme, J., A. V. Fedorov, S. K. Gulev, K. Emanuel and K. Hodges
Monitoring the Sea Surface State in the North Atlantic Based on Ship Navigation Facilities
Oceanology 61, 305–307 (2021)
D. V. Ivonin, A. V. Gavrikov, V. D. Sharmar, L. I. Salavatova, N. D. Tilinina & S. K. Gulev
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Assessing Eddying (1/12°) Ocean Reanalysis GLORYS12 Using the 14‐yr Instrumental Record From 59.5°N Section in the Atlantic
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016317
Polina Verezemskaya, Bernard Barnier, Sergey K. Gulev, Sergey Gladyshev, Jean-Marc Molines, Vsevolod Gladyshev, Jean-Michel Lellouche, and Alexander Gavrikov
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The North Atlantic High-Resolution Regional Climate Model Experiment for Oceanic and Atmospheric Applications
Oceanology 60(6):725-727
Alexander Gavrikov, Sergey K. Gulev
Global Ocean Wind-Wave Model Hindcasts Forced by Different Reanalyzes: A Comparative Assessment
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016710
Sharmar, V., M. Markina, S.K. Gulev
Cool Skin Effect and its Impact on the Computation of the Latent Heat Flux in the South China Sea
Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 2021, 126
Zhang, R., F. Zhou, X. Wang, D. Wang, S. K. Gulev
Tracking of atmospheric phenomena with artificial neural networks: A supervised approach
Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 186, 2021, p.p. 403-410
Mikhail Krinitskiy, Kirill Grashchenkov, Natalia Tilinina, Sergey Gulev
Response of the atmospheric rivers and storm tracks to the Sudden Stratospheric Warming events on the basis of North Atlantic Atmospheric Downscaling (1979+)
2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 606 012011
A V Gavrikov, M Krinitsky, N Tilinina, Y Zyulyaeva, A Dufour and S K Gulev
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Impact of fine atmospheric scales on ocean eddies and deep convection in the Subpolar Northern Atlantic
2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 606 012066
P S Verezemskaya, B Barnier, A V Gavrikov, S K Gulev and J-M Molines-Marc
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Representation of the Denmark Strait Overflow in a z-coordinate eddying configuration of the NEMO (v3.6) ocean model: Resolution and parameter impacts
Geosci. Model Dev., 2020
Colombo, P., B. Barnier, T. Penduff, J. Chanut, J. Deshayes, J.-M. Molines, J. Le Sommer, P. Verezemskaya, S. Gulev, and A-M. Treguier
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Validating Ocean Wind Wave Global Hindcast with Visual Observations from VOS
Oceanology, 2020, Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 9–19
V. G. Grigorieva, S. K. Gulev, and V. D. Sharmar
Верификация Глобальной Спектральной Волновой Модели WAVEWATCH III по Данным Попутных Судовых Наблюдений
Океанология, 2020, том 60, № 1, с. 14–26
В. Г. Григорьева, С. К. Гулев, В. Д. Шармар
Modelling the impact of flow-driven turbine power plants on great wind-driven ocean currents and the assessment of their energy potential
Nature Energy
Bernard Barnier , Anastasiia Domina, Sergey Gulev, Jean-Marc Molines, Thierry Maitre, Thierry Penduff, Julien Le Sommer, Pierre Brasseur, Laurent Brodeau and Pedro ColomboS
RAS-NAAD: 40-yr High-Resolution North Atlantic Atmospheric Hindcast for Multipurpose Applications (New Dataset for the Regional Mesoscale Studies in the Atmosphere and the Ocean)
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 59, 793–817,
Alexander Gavrikov, Sergey K. Gulev, Margarita Markina, Natalia Tilinina, Polina Verezemskaya, Bernard Barnier, Ambroise Dufour, Olga Zolina, Yulia Zyulyaeva, Mikhail Krinitskiy, Ivan Okhlopkov, and Alexey Sokov
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Clustering of Polar Vortex States Using Convolutional Autoencoders
Proceedings of the Information Technologies and High-Performance Computing
Mikhail Krinitskiy, Yulia Zyulyaeva, Sergey Gulev
Air-Sea Fluxes With a Focus on Heat and Momentum
Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 430
Meghan F. Cronin, Chelle L. Gentemann, James Edson, Iwao Ueki, Mark Bourassa, Shannon Brown, Carol Anne Clayson, Chris W. Fairall, J. Thomas Farrar, Sarah T. Gille, Sergey Gulev, Simon A. Josey, Seiji Kato, Masaki Katsumata, Elizabeth Kent, Marjolaine Krug, Peter J. Minnett, Rhys Parfitt, Rachel T. Pinker, Paul W. Stackhouse Jr., Sebastiaan Swart, Hiroyuki Tomita, Douglas Vandemark, Robert A.Weller, Kunio Yoneyama, Lisan Yu, Dongxiao Zhang
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Ocean Wind Wave Climate Responses to Wintertime North Atlantic Atmospheric Transient Eddies and Low- Frequency Flow
Climate, 5619-5638, 32
Markina, M., J. Studholme, and S. Gulev
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WAVEWATCH III –WRF high-resolution wind wave hindcast in the North Atlantic: wave model configuration and preliminary results for 1979-2000
2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 231 012035
M Markina, A Gavrikov and S Gulev
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Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Capabilities for Binary Classification of Polar Mesocyclones in Satellite Mosaics
Atmosphere 2018, 9(11), 426
Krinitskiy, M., P. Verezemskaya, K. Grashchenkov, N. Tilinina, S. Gulev, M. Lazzara
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Association of the North Atlantic surface turbulent heat fluxes with midlatitude cyclones
Mon. Wea. Rev., 146, 3691–3715
Tilinina, N., A. Gavrikov, and S. Gulev
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Developing configuration of WRF model for long-term high-resolution wind wave hindcast over the North Atlantic with WAVEWATCH III
Ocean Dynamics 68(11)
Margarita Markina, Alexander Gavrikov, Sergey K. Gulev, Bernard Barnier
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Global Historical Archive of Wind Waves Based on Voluntary Observing Ship Data
Oceanology 57(2):229–231
Vika Grigorieva, S.K. Gulev, Alexander Gavrikov
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Formation of extreme surface turbulent heat fluxes from the ocean to the atmosphere in the North Atlantic
Oceanology 56(1):1-5
Natalia Tilinina, Sergey K. Gulev, Alexander Gavrikov
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Формирование экстремально высоких турбулентных потоков тепла из океана в атмосферу в Северной Атлантике
Океанология 56(1):5-9
Н. Д. Тилинина, С. К. Гулев, А. В. Гавриков
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